Ending Rituals in Story Game Hangouts: Sharing Appreciation and Reflection

[Voice over] Do you have any session ending rituals for your story game hangouts? We do! At the end of our sessions, we circle up or go around the table to share appreciation for one another, the story we told, or the space we held our hangout in. [Lilly] Um it’s really interesting cause like we know each other very well um but then also like playing with two people who like (yeah) I don’t know very well (yeah) um is really cool because even like he’ll say things that I don’t expect and like I’ve known him for nine years [Ross] Oh yeah totally [Lilly] So that’s that’s always really fun to like get to know new people but then also get to know like someone who I’ve known for such a long time like in a different way Yeah, it’s really cool Really enjoyed this one as well [Cruz] Yeah, this is great [Voice over] It’s always nice to reflect on what we made together and give our thanks for the people that made us smile today What does your group like to do to end a session? Let us know!