Unleashing Inspiration: Exploring Creativity, Emotional Expression, and Finding Motivation Through Social Media

how do you find inspiration how do I find inspiration so a lot of how I feel is how I communicate through my work so my stories I’m a little emotional or passionate some may say besides I I also I tend to use a lot of Kevin Gates or anything like that but as creative it’s good to express yourself and your feelings and to share those moments that aren’t really shareable that you might think because so many other people are going through that as well and I use TikTok as therapy sometimes my algorithm is very geared toward mental health mindset and I go to TikTok and it’s feeding me so it’s like you can use things to your advantage so if I’m finding inspiration from other creators I’m usually scrolling I usually scroll about 1 or 2:00am that’s usually when I like shut down trying to start going to sleep yeah so I’ll scroll one or two hours and I use that time to creatively collect but if I like something or a certain style I’ll save it but the trick is to try it because if you save it yeah that’s true and you let a day go by you never gonna see it again that’s true how many steps you guys save you never go back yeah so that that that action in that window