Bill Langley’s Album Release Party: Lunch, Jokes, and Special Guests

Hey, thank y’all so much again for coming out. I hope y’all get to join us for lunch. We’re gonna hang around. My dad will be telling jokes somewhere. He’s gonna be up there in a minute. So thank y’all so much for coming. I hope y’all have a good time. And again, I appreciate all the support. Thank you. Hold on. Something else. Oh, yeah, yeah. I got this album coming out. Some of y’all may have seen this signage around here. Yeah. Don’t mind if I do. This new album. Bill Langley, who I’m sure you all know. Now we have a pretty giant song. She’s actually on my record as well, so it’s exciting to have her on the road with me and hopefully looking forward to snag her next year if somebody else doesn’t get her first. But thank y’all so much. I hope you download the album or get it or whatever. What’s upstairs? There’s lunch upstairs. So you wouldn’t know. You could have just said it without music. Lunch is upstairs. Thank you all so much. I appreciate it.