Taking Charge of Your Acting Career: The Reality Check We All Need

no matter what no one is going to make your career for you you have to do it yourself and this is something that I had a hard time coming to terms with until just recently but no one not even the people you work with or who represent you are going to go out of their way to make your career you are responsible for your own success and there was a time where I thought that I had quote unquote made it and that from here on acting jobs were just gonna fly in and I would never have to audition again and I’d become a millionaire but that was the first thing from the truth actors even those at the top of their game are always auditioning and are always looking for their next job so if you feel like you’re struggling or having a hard time breaking through you are not alone there are hundreds and thousands probably of other actors that are all going through the same emotions all the time you have to keep at it and you have to believe in yourself those are two of the crucial things that you have to do in order to succeed remember that it’s all you and you can do it