Navigating the Balancing Act: Kids, Cell Phones, and Safety in Today’s Digital World

so what are we doing about kids and cell phones these days because my eight year old son has a best friend who already has a cell phone now he has a cell phone because he walks himself to and from the school bus every day and it’s not like I can’t afford it they’re pretty cheap these days and I do like the idea of having like a tracker on him no matter what at all times but last year I watched both seasons of undercover underage and if you don’t know what that show is it’s where these full grown women were pretending to be teenage girls online to entice pedophiles and predator and predators and when they were designing the little online profiles the only thing they made all of these kids have in common was that they came from single parent families because kids that don’t have a dad in the home are like three times more likely to be targeted and I get that this is a paranoid irrational reason to keep my kid disconnected it’s not very fair to him but being widowed at 37 years old with a four year old wasn’t fair to me either anyway so what are we doing with kids and cell phones and how are we letting them use them and be safe while they have them