Aspirations of Wealth: Defining Riches Beyond Dollar Signs

How much money do you think it would take for you to feel rich and why? Oh, that’s a good question. To feel rich in this city, honestly, like with the way rent is just enough to make my rent and also buy groceries, probably. So like, probably like 15 grand or something a month. I feel like the answer would be like, at least a million. Do like a million in the bank for saving for a home. Okay, I’d like that would make me. I wouldn’t feel rich, but that would make me feel a little more comfortable. Couple mil, 3 mil. It would probably take over 200 grand a year living in LA. Like, everything is expensive here. And I think that quote unquote rich is like expendable income. You have money for extra activities, travel, and your. All your bills are covered. To feel rich or to feel wealthy? To feel rich. A million a year and then wealthy is way beyond that though. Wealth is generational, kid. Leads to, like, freedom, where as rich is just, you got a lot of money in the bank, like $500,000. I think that would help me, you know, pay my bills, buy whatever I wanted to buy, eat whatever I wanted to eat. Or maybe a million dollars actually. Why it’s not there? A million? I feel like rich is more of your lifestyle and what you appreciate, you know, your mind state and, um, what gives you A peace of mind. I feel like that’s what make you rich. It’s not only money, but, you know, some of the things you wanna be or pursue in life.