Building a Future Together: Recognizing True Love in Saint-Exupery’s Words

here’s how you know that you have found true love that you have found the one and this goes back to a simple line from the author Saint-Exupery whereinwhich he writes, true love is not just looking at each other it is looking forward with one another. and essentially what he meant is that a happy healthy relationship is one in which you build and plan for the future together it’s knowing that there’s somebody who has your back somebody who no matter what happens will always want the best for you and this means that when you’ve found the one you can dream together, you can be audacious together you can take on new challenges and create a beautiful life together that’s fundamentally what love is knowing that there is somebody who dreams the same dreams as you who encourages you to grow who will be there for you no matter what true love isn’t just looking at each other it is looking outward together with one another that is what true love really is