The Truth About Getting a Six-Pack: Genetics, Nutrition, and Fitness Myths

oh 50 oh my God I’m gonna throw up what is happening here yeah I’m just doing this Ab workout I saw this girl on Instagram earlier and she had a six pack and I was like you know what I know it’s enough it’s time for me to have a six pack oh to be fair I have it but I do have some kind of bad news for you though what is it well 6 packs and like visible abs in general do tend to be mainly genetics so the people you’re seeing in line with like shredded abs probably have good genetics and that’s why they have such good app wait so if I don’t have two genetics I can never have a 6 pack well yes and no so like Abs are made in the kitchen is what most people say but I mean for most people they need to go through like a really intense fat loss phase and like trim down on a lot of overall body fats you can’t really spot reduce fat and for a lot of people to actually get down to low enough body fat to see their abs it really wouldn’t be healthier sustainable not like a pleasant way to be living wow so I really just spent hours doing abs for literally nothing nice I mean it’s great for like your core but don’t expect to get like a 6 pack straight away um sorry to burst your bubble but make sure you go follow that girl @spen_fitness I was telling you about though she creates so much content around like misconceptions like this in the gym there’s so much false info these days online so maybe go check it out I think I need to at this rate oh yeah