Mastering Content Repurposing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Sharing Engaging Content Across Platforms

or on any other platform where your ideal audience lives but i feel like most of us are very overwhelmed and feel very debilitated when it comes to repurposing their content how do i know what’s gonna work on there what do i post how long should it be what should it look like i’m gonna help you right now so first i’m gonna explain this i’m gonna show you an actual physical example right here on the screen when i film a video on tiktok like i am right now so this video i’m filming i’m filming inside of tiktok once i’m done filming this video i am going to i’m gonna make it the perfect clean video that’s super smooth without any mistakes once i edit it i’m going to and before y’all ask me any questions in the comments just listen to this and save this video because i’m telling you this is exactly what you need to do and i don’t wanna answer your question cause i’m telling you right now you’re going to download it right here before you post it before you add any text before you add anything you’re gonna download the bare version of this video where you created a folder called once you do this then you’re gonna go back to the video on tiktok you’re gonna add your headline for 3 seconds ⏰ you’re gonna have your running captions right above your head like i do in this video and then you’re gonna download that version too before you post it and you’re also gonna upload it to the folder inside your google drive in a different folder that’s going to say so you can have your bare videos or edited videos and you can have the other folder which is gonna be the edited videos with text then what you’re gonna do from here is you’re gonna take this video you can now write your caption and you’re gonna post it on tiktok and then what you’re gonna do after this is you’re gonna take the video (the 2nd one) that you downloaded with the headline and the text and you’re going to upload it to instagram and you can attach your facebook to your instagram so when you post on instagram everything you post on instagram goes to facebook this is the example of what it’s gonna look like in your google drive this is actually my backend and shows you the folders that i have there’s 3 that you mainly need and you’re gonna see in here that i have 1 that says edited with no text you’re gonna see fully edited videos with the text i even go as far as downloading 3 versions i download the original video that i film with all the mistakes the ums & the pauses because i no longer edit all my videos i have someone else edit them so you’re gonna see a folder here that says raw videos and the raw videos are those but in your situation if you don’t yet have a VA or someone who’s doing it for you you don’t even need that folder you just need to have the 1 that’s because it’s just you if you do have a team you can follow that same procedure i do a rule of thumb for instagram is that you don’t wanna necessarily multipurpose every video or repurpose every video that you post on tiktok over to instagram start posting from tiktok to instagram and start observing the ones that do well look at the topics the headlines look at the duration and as a rule of thumb i’ve noticed on instagram that videos that can range anywhere between i would say a minute and a half if you make it less than a minute and a half those do really well cause you can post those as reels even some of my videos that are 2.5 minutes long or 3 minutes or 4 minutes long i will still repurpose there but i know that they don’t do as well because they’re longer and you have to post those as posts not reels 🚫 posts ✅ i don’t know why instagram does that it’s stupid but it is what it is but typically the sweet spot is like a minute and a half or a little bit less than that and i will really focus on tiktok trying to create more videos that are in that range so i can post those videos over to instagram if you’re struggling with anything like this or you want to learn more about the exact content process that i use my editing the way that i post the way that i find trending audios all that sort of stuff i have my viral TikTok Strategy library at the top of my page right now it’s 50% off and it’s where i walk through things like this and so much more so if you want access to it go and grab it now you’re welcome