Embracing Inner Beauty: A Scale of Self-Confidence and Happiness

I got this question from Stefani. Ask everyone to rate their looks on a scale of 1 to 10. Nine out of 10. I would say 6 6. I would honestly give myself a 10 now. Because this is the first time in my life I’ve authentically been happy and joyous. Yeah. And my smile is real. So I think I’m beautiful cause I’m happy, not cause I think I’m hot shit. Okay. What about you? It’s a little cheesy, I guess, but you didn’t. 12 out of 10. Stifler. I am the MILF of the group, as we established earlier. So there we go. Stifler’s mom. It all came together. So, ten? Sure. Alright. What about you? I’mma say a solid six. A five? Uh, four. I give myself a five. So we have a 9, 10, 10. Think of the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen in your life. Those 1,000 men are rating her between 1 to 10. And you next to her. What do you come out to then? I kind of look like the woman I think is most beautiful. So who is it? Megan Fox. She’s a. Yeah. Come out. She’s got the killer blue eyes, though. Do you think he comes out similarly to Megan Fox? Similar. We have different stuff that makes us equally beautiful. Okay, so both nines, both tens. Yeah.