Husband Getter Manicotti Chili Bake – A Comforting and Flavorful Dish for Gatherings

Alright, y’all, as you can see, I’m about halfway done placing my Kraft cheese slices here. We parboiled our macaroni or, uh, manicotti’s, and then put those just, um, facing up in our pan. And then we stuff those with some hot dogs and some, uh, string cheese. I almost call it Swiss cheese. Then we top that off with our chili, and we use some onion, some corn, and then we just use some ketchup and mustard on top. And now I’m just adding in my slices of craft singles. All right, now, to make this a little bit fancier, I’m gonna add this gourmet cheese on top. And this is my husband’s absolute favorite meal, y’all. He loves a hot dog. He could eat hot dogs every day. Then we add the pasta to make it a more complete meal. We’ve got our cheeses, various cheeses for taste and for protein. We’ve got a little corn for fiber. We’ve got our onion for detoxification. And then we’ve just got our condiments for our condiments for flavor. Now I’m just going to add some bacon bits right on top of this. This is a really fun meal to make for a big gathering. Everyone can get themselves a slice. This is one of my all time favorite foods. And I call this one the Husband Getter because I made this for Marty the night he proposed to me. Alrighty, y’all. Oh, I also added some water in here. Because we want those things to. Those manicotti to fully bake. And now I’m just gonna put this on high, and we’re gonna let this cook for about two hours and they’ll be ready to serve. Alrighty, it’s been cooking for two hours on high. We are ready to see our manicotti chili bake. Look at that. Just dig on into this. Let’s try and get around our manicottis, get them free to come up. Oh, I can’t wait. Yum. Marty, I’m so excited for your favorite meal. Oh, yeah. Alright, now spoon some of that good sauce on there for me. These are like chili hot dog enchiladas. Alright, Marty, you ready to take a taste? Yeah. It’s gonna be hot, though. I can feel it’s hot. I can’t wait. Be careful. It might burn your little mouth. Oh, it looks so good. Yeah. It’s a dog. It’s a dog. Snuck out the back there. Get some chili. That always happens. All right, the dog out the back. Dog out the back. Blow on it. Blow on it. I’m not capable. I worry it’s gonna burn you. No, it’s fine. Okay. Hmm. Hmm. Is that a husband gifter? No. You remember? That’s all you got. Me? You gotta try it. This is good, y’all