Life, Death, and Pizzas: A Conversation at Dropout

My mom was dying and I went to. Hi. I wanna get a large pepperoni and mushroom. I just, um. I went to visit. Well, Jonah, what do you want? I’m just gonna talk over it, if that’s cool. Oh, I don’t know. Do you still have those baked pasta dishes? This was a truly special moment. No. Why? And they’re. The child. A little sunset. Almost like they’re smaller in a way. Company is called dropout. And just look for the door that says drop out. I think my mother didn’t. She wasn’t ex. Drop out. Sorry. Drop out. It just drop out. Okay, so my mom was dying and drop out. Yeah. It can’t be. It’s a streaming content network. Okay, what do we have? It’s like, um. Oh, god. You know, YouTube? It’s like YouTube, except you have to pay and there’s less stuff to watch.