Lessons in Life: Finding Success in Setbacks

Everything is lessons. There’s so positives. I’m not worried about. There’s gonna come a time where I’m gonna be so big that people gonna buy everything I have. There’s gonna come a time in my life and. And then I’m building a library. And then when I’m gone, maybe. And my kids have this thing that dad did that you go, wow, all these things my dad did that they never saw. Now the legend of me, my kids, kids, kids will be able to eat all the things. So there’s no failure. Everything that’s supposed to happen exactly the way it is. When I was 19, I got Batman. I was gonna be the first, like, black person besides Billy D. To be in one of these big movies was with Tim Burton. And I was gonna be Robin. And I got a phone call from Tim Burton and Denise Denove in a letter saying that I wasn’t really. And see, I was gonna be off to the races. Batman, Robin. And then the phone and then the. Do you know what my career would have been? But it didn’t happen. And immediately I was like. I was hurt. But I said, no, I’m gonna start writing these movies. I’m gonna start creating my own show. I’m gonna start doing things that I know, put the ball in my own hand. Had that Robin happened, I would have had a different career. Where would you be right now had That happened. I don’t know. Probably cracked out somewhere cause I wouldn’t know what to do with that kind of success and money. Um. But god put me on this journey to create. Look at what I’ve done. Look at what I. Because I took the long route. He didn’t want me taking the shortcut. I had to take the long route because it was a lot I needed to learn. I do. As jewels for me to gather all along the way. No, I didn’t go straight to it. I went the long way. But look at all the. That I know now. Look at all this that I know. And I’m gonna make my way here. It’s taking a long route, the scenic route. I mean, it’s been a beautiful scene. I mean, you’ve got a wonderful. You’ve got a. But I’m not sitting there depressed that I didn’t get that part. When I say everything is god, I’m saying everything is not all bad. Sometimes the things that you think is failure is actually success.