21 Years of Chicken Revelation: A Tasty Awakening

I’m scared, bro. Like you just eat the chicken like a real nigga. Like this chicken. Oh my god, what is this? I don’t even know how to eat chicken. Stop. When you’re a real black person, you eat this wing tip and I ain’t gonna expect you to do that. Wait, what? You can eat? I thought has a bone in it. Eat it like regular? Yup. Haha. Go, go! Just do it. Do it! Oh shit! That is fire! He fell in love already. Wait, hold on. 21 years. No, 21 years. I’mma start crying, bro. For my whole life. 21 years and you niggas never told me about this? Bro, 21 years I’ve been alive and you niggas never told me about chicken. Bro, your niggas is lame. You behind the camera. You too. Why? Why you never told me about this shit earlier? Joey, you live in my house every day and you never told me? It was only temporary. Oh god, I’m eating chicken every day now, bro. Make sure you’re not biting into bone. Just bite whatever you can up. That’s 11 7. Oh, I’m bringing my whole family. I want to thank god for creating this animal, making chickens allowed to be on earth. I wanna thank chicken wings. I wanna thank seasoning. Hey, black people made fried chicken. Black people definitely made. I wanna thank all the black people, the whole black community. I’m sorry, Colonel. Colonel? Yeah, one of them. Yeah, I don’t even know how to eat this. I keep biting it. I’m biting into a bone I’m gonna get sick of. I keep eating it cause it tastes too good. Try both at the same time, yo. Yeah, bro. You know when you’re high and food tastes so good? I’m not even high right now and this just tastes like our high, bro. Oh.