Upgrade Excitement: Review of My New Polisher from OCD Detailing

I finally got a new polisher! All my days since I started this business I’ve been using a polisher from Amazon that was like 60 80 euro. Now. I finally got an upgrade from no other than OCD detailing down in Offaly. I just want to say thank you to Peter from OCD Detailing for providing me with the new polisher. Now to be honest with you, I have no idea what is the difference if you ask me. But the only thing I know that it does feel so much better than the older one that I have from Amazon. I’m not a polisher expert, so I won’t be able to tell you. Like oh, the vibration of this is less than the other one, etcetera etcetera. I just know that it feels good in my hand and it works great. I’m still experimenting with different polishers myself. I’m nowhere near professional at the moment with polishers and I’m pretty happy with this one. Happy days! Shout out to OCD Detailing again for providing me with this new polisher. So good!