Title: Review and Unboxing of the TikTok Shop’s New Model 5.25 Earpiece

Hey everybody, doorman. Look what came in from the TikTok shop. You guys know I go through my earpieces. I love that y, y, k. This is the new model 5,25. This one comes in your standard packaging. And this is, look at a full size. So you can see this one fits in my ear. Not as bad as the original 550s that I was user 5:05, sorry, that I was using. This one’s earpiece is just a little bit different. So it doesn’t sit so far in the ear. Hopefully it doesn’t blast me through the roof like the other one used to do, although they were good earpieces. The timeframe was on these as far as battery life with microphone and sound, if you’re doing TikToks, can last up to 12 hours. And this is what it sounds like when it’s on. So get yourself one by clicking that link right down here and enjoy support pizza.