Exploring the Dynamics of Parental Engagement and Educational Initiatives

Hi. How are you? I am. I am her mom. Nope, can’t deny that one. No, yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, as well. Yes, no. Thank you for this the whole introduction and everything. It was really great. I think that your students are in for a really great year. So um, I did have one quick question though. How does tutoring work, specifically? Oh, no. She knows how to sign up. Right, from your from your homepage? Yes. Um, I guess I was wondering more so for people who…may be helping with the homework and and maybe don’t know um… Oh, you can! Ok. ‘Cause I was like, “oh this is awkward.” Thank you so much, thank you. Just like a few notes, I think. Um okay, as a header, number one: um geometry… is that 2 t’s or 3? Wow, wow. That was a great presentation, really. I mean it – spot on with that one. I had no idea and I feel like I I speak for the group I had no idea that controlled substances were such a huge deal to to kids this age. Yeah, that’s I feel terrible. I do have one thought though. And this – it just came to me. This is great obviously like, knowing what’s going on is so important. But I wonder if maybe we’re not doing enough. Like as a collective, right? Here’s a thought: what if the district kind of compiled some… resources, right. Some actual examples of what we should look out for, like a a sampler platter, if you will. And then maybe we could form a group, like a committee. I could be I could be the lead and then we could try it we could try um las drogas and then we would know – the caregivers would know exactly what to look out for. Do you know what I mean? Like I I could get the SignUp Genius started if anybody’s into… Nobody? That’s weird. I feel like some of you wanna… Sir, don’t make that face at me. I got a whiff of your jacket walking in the door, me and you in the same boat. Don’t look at me like that. Sorry, so um… I don’t know. What do you guys think about- You want me to go? Yeah, okay I- I heard myself once I said it so I will just…