Love Wins at the Paralympics: A Heartwarming Engagement Story

You may have seen this picture floating around. Yes, we have another Paralympics proposal. And this time it’s gay. And I’m good, Jackie, with all your women sports news. And this is just some good old fashioned queer joy. So this is Brenda Osnaya, and she’s a Mexican Paralympic triathlete. And this is her coach, Jesse, who just so happens to also be her partner of four years. So Brenda’s competing in the triathlon at the Paralympics in Paris. She crosses the finish line in fifth place out of everybody. But actually, she was disqualified due to some technical penalties earlier in the race. But she did not let that get her down, because what does she do? She pulls this paper out of her pocket, says, will you marry me? And her coach, girlfriend, and now fiance said yes. Here they are hugging after Brenda’s first ever Paralympic triathlon in 2021 in Tokyo. And here they are hugging today in Paris, a newly engaged couple. So congratulations to Brenda and Jesse on getting engaged in the city of love. Just like, as a note, I didn’t want to make this video and just say, it doesn’t matter that she got disqualified because she’s engaged. She’s happy, because, like, it does suck to get disqualified, especially at that level. You try so hard. But I literally listened to an interview where she was like, I know I just got disqualified, but I can’t stop thinking about how engaged to love My life. I’m so happy. Like, how cute is that? I love women’s sports.