Unveiling the Curious Talent: A Journey of Shooting Balls from the Mouth

Hold on. Yeah, uh, yeah, I got a lot of questions. Namely, what was the scenario that you found yourself in that prompted the question, I wonder what would happen if I shoot balls out of my mouth? Like, I just. You know, I’m really curious to know how you stumbled upon this particular talent. You know, was there a situation in. In which, like, were you giving yourself the hand, like, maneuver and it bounced off the wall and you’re like, huh? If I just had like a. A table tennis ball, if I had a ping pong ball, you know, like, I could. I could do that, that would. I wonder if there’s a Guinness World Record for that. Like, I just. Cause I don’t. I don’t really. That’s the most logical thing for me is to figure out, like, how. Oh, I was choking and then all of a sudden I got this idea cause, like, I don’t know. Wow. It’s impressive. He is a. He is a record holder. He is a, um. These. These are the things that we pour into as humans in the world. And, um. Okay.