Empowering Workers: Embrace Rest and Set Boundaries for Your Well-Being

in honour of Labor Day let me be the one to tell you do less okay you don’t have to do so much take a break I’m not saying to quit but take some PTO don’t be afraid to take your break work your contracted hours stop going above and beyond for people who do not care about you you are a worker in a system that values work you have more value than the boss do you know why because the boss’ biggest fear is having to do the work are you catching on to this you got this you don’t have to quit you don’t have to phone it in just do what you need to do to make your paycheck and get on with your life okay when I first did my student teaching the best piece of advice I got from my teacher was do not show them everything that you can do meaning I played football I was in debate I didn’t tell my school that because as soon as you tell them what you can do the first thing they’re gonna say is well we got a lot of openings and that’s not your job