Navigating the Future: Adapting to Technological Transformations

Elon Musk has said these robots, these humanoid robot are gonna start putting together his Tesla car. Now imagine a future five, 6 years from now where all the desk job, all the management job, all the brain job have gone. And then imagine a future where and humanoid robot have taken all of the manual work because this IMF report only talking about artificial intelligence. It’s not talking about the advent of autonomous humanoid robot leveraging artificial intelligence cause that should take out all of the manual work. It’s predicted that by 2030, the cost per robot hour will be about $10. So in other words, most people would take a pay cut to undercut a robot at $10 an hour. Five years later, it’s predicted to be $1 an hour five years later. So by 2040, it’s predicted to be 10 cents an hour. You gonna be working for seven or eight cents an hour, five or six pence an hour. I don’t think so. That will be mad. So how can we prepare for that future? Cause I don’t wanna scare anyone that future is coming. Do you believe that future is a threat or an opportunity? Well, it depends what you do about it. Cast your mind back to the Industrial Revolution. If you wanna look at how it went for the Luddites, go and look it up online. It didn’t end too well. So how did, for instance, the United Kingdom leverage the Industrial Revolution? Well, it’s Called the British Empire. So technological leaps, when they’re harnessed, when they’re used in an intelligent way, there are no threats at all. There are opportunities. So, and you could reasonably ask yourself the question, through every major technological change over the last five, six, 7,000 years since civilization meaningfully began, who’ve been the winners and who’ve been the losers? And I’m gonna take you back to Darwin again. Darwin said, it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, it’s the one that’s most adaptive to change. So prepare, make sure you’re adaptive to change. Make sure you’re educated, make sure you’re well supported, and get rid of that job before that job gets rid of you later.