The Unexpected Adventure of Making a Mellette Pie: A Culinary Experiment

If someone’s going to make a four loco pie, it means that there must be an opportunity to make a Mellette pie. And that’s what we’re doing today. As far as recipes go, this one is quite simple. Get yourself a pie crust, either from the freezer section or make your own. And then the filling is going to be constructed with flour, sugar, butter and Mollard. Now I am going to add some grapefruit zest just to give it a certain Geneva quoi. Make it a little more continental if you will. Now sprinkled on top is 1/4 cup of flour, that’s gonna help solidify with 1 cup of sugar, just kind of sprinkling it all over the Molard. And now onto the top of that mixture is 5 tablespoons of grated butter with also that grapefruit zest that I mentioned before. Sprinkle that on, cause you want that butter as evenly dispersed as possible. And that’s grapefruit zest and that’s butter. Smells really good. Alright, we’re gonna put this in a 400 degree oven for 35 minutes and then after 35 minutes, set it down to 3:75. Keep it in there for another 35 minutes. When this is done baking, you wanna take it out of the oven and cool it, but you don’t eat it right away. You actually wanna put it in the fridge overnight to set. Alright, let’s get this in the oven and I’ll see you guys back here in 19.73 hours. Well, it Is 19.73 hours later, and we have this beautiful pie. Came out of the oven, I let it set. Gotta say, when it came out of the oven, it smelled deceptively good. So I do have high hopes for it, even though it may still crush my soul and stomp on my nuts a little. Well, I see my grapefruit zest. Feels like there’s a nice crunch. Some areas high. Crust itself looks really, really good. Let’s try it out. Definitely looks like a butter pie. One of those old fashioned butter pies. Here we go. The gelatinous nature of the pie makes it feel like beef tallow that is turned unsalted. Turned beef tallow is what it feels like, but that someone tried to hide it by just pouring sugar all over it. Ooh, really? Beef tallow from a cow? That was roadkill. Can. Can cows be roadkill? If they’re dumb enough? Hey, look, cows are great, you know? But obviously, some of the cows have to be the stupid cows. Some of the cows wandered out into the road, saw the semi, and thought, I’ll be fine. Although, I mean, if they escape, maybe that makes them the smart cows. They just weren’t quite up to the level of industrialization. We’re realizing what moving metal of that size would actually do to their flesh. Anyways, you know what? I’m gonna. I’m gonna try the crust. Great pie crust. Nice and flaky. I could eat that now. I took A bite from the middle. Let me take a bite from the crust side. Boy, once that roadkill meat kicks in on the taste buds, it’s really hard to swallow. Body wants to reject it so bad. Oh, alright, folks. Well, technically, this was a success because the pie came out fantastic. And if it was flavored with anything other than Mallore, probably would have been great. And, um, I would not make it with my Lord again. I would avoid that. If you do see something interesting that you like me to try, just tag me and you send it to me and then come to my page and like my stuff and follow me. And a lot of you have been commenting. I’m not been showing up on your feed lately. Well, there’s this thing called notifications. Just click that. Yeah, it’s called an email, I think. Or maybe not, I don’t know. Do it for the algorithm.