Phone Eavesdropping: The Invasive Truth About Data Collection and Privacy Concerns

It has been confirmed your phone is listening in on your conversations. So have you ever had one of those moments where you’re talking with a friend about something, and then very conveniently after that conversation, you start seeing that thing you were talking about on your phone or on your different social medias? Well, it’s now been confirmed that that happening is no coincidence. A marketing firm that works with companies like Google and Facebook has admitted that it listens to users smartphone microphones and then places ads based on the information that it picks up. Now, apparently this active listening system also uses AI to sort of analyze what you’re saying, which is incredibly invasive, especially since it’s not just stuff about ads that they’re able to listen into any conversation that you have ever had. If there was a smartphone present during that conversation, that conversation was heard by this active listening software. And it could possibly have been stored in some server somewhere. Now, this technology has a lot of people thinking, was this only used for serving people ads? And what happens if this, like, database of conversations ends up getting leaked to the public?