Living the Life: A Day in the World of a 21-Year-Old Aussie on the East Coast

Alright, this is what a day in the life looks like living as a 21 year old guy on the east coast of Australia. Alright, let’s do it. I once heard this quote that if you can win the morning, you can win the day. So I thought what a better way to start off my day than by three coffees by 7:00am in an Instagram story to show everyone how early I wake up after getting my daily dose of vitamin d. We were then right back home into our fourth coffee of the morning and sat down at the computer for a bit of work. Bro, you never work a day in your life. I was starting to get pretty hungry by this point, so I decided to quickly jump into the kitchen and cook up one of three meals. I don’t know, it may not look like anything too special, but it does the job heading into the afternoon and me and my housemate Joe decided to jump into the ring and decide he was gonna pay rent for the week. And then to finally wrap up this pretty epic day, we decided to head down to the infamous Burleigh Pavilion to once again get another Instagram story.