Five More Sleeps Till Halloween – A Heartwarming Children’s Novel by Jimmy Fallon

Hey, guys, it is September falls around the corner, there’s a little nip in the air, and before you know, it’s gonna be spooky season. Oh, yeah. And just. Just in time, because I have a brand new children’s book that officially is out today. Five more sleeps till Halloween. This is the seventh, uh, novel from number one New York Times best selling author, Jimmy Fallon. Wow. Novel. It is a heartwarming story of a little boy and his dog who are so excited for Halloween that they can’t sleep. And I’ve been working on this for years. Uh, it’s over 40 pages long if you. If you count the front and back cover. Yeah, yeah. Uh, it’s great for kids, it’s great for adults to read. The kids adults can read it on their own. Uh, I’m almost halfway through it myself. No spoilers. Anyway, it’s available right now wherever fine children’s books are sold. You can get it on Amazon, your local bookstore or library, Target, Barnes and nobles both have special editions. Or use this. Just this QR code right here and see all the places you can get it. I’ll make it easy for you. Yeah. Also, I’ll be doing a book signing at the NBC store on Thursday. This Thursday? Yeah, you can pick it up there. Or I could just make it much easier. Yeah, I could make it just easier. How about everyone in the audience tonight is going home with their very Own copy. Yes, that’s right. Do that thing you do. That’s exactly what’s up. Yes! That’s it! That’s amazing. Happy spooky season, everybody!