Morning Prayer of Gratitude and Blessings

Good morning. If this is for you, it’s for you. If it’s not, then maybe it need to be for you. But thank you, Father God, for getting us up this morning. See another day of our wonderful life. To be able to put clothes on our back and shoes on our feet. Father God, thank you so much. You didn’t have to do it, but you did. Thank you, god, for the simple things. Thank you so much for giving us air, for giving us breath, for giving us sights to get, for being able to hear. Father God, there’s a lot of people that did not make it this year, let alone this morning. Father God, thank you so much for your Grace. Thank you so much for your mercy. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to wake up again. To be able to walk in your footsteps, to follow your light, to be protected by your shield. Father God, if there’s any sickness in our body, Father God, touch us. Father God, you are the great healer, the Great Physician of. Father God, thank you so much. Touch us from the top of our head to the soles of our feet. Father God, touch all of our friends, all of our enemies, near and far. Father God, touch and agree with them. Father God, continue to shine your light upon us so that we may see. Father God, if there’s any darkness in our Heart, Father God. Fill it with light and love. Thank you so much. Hallelujah. If there’s any worries in our life, Father God, help us to see that we should not be worried. We are not made to worry. We are not made to fret. Father God, thank you so much. How, Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. It is so. Hallelujah. Amen.