It is currently 11:30 September the third. I’m in New York City. Today is my birthday. I turned 25 about a year and a half ago. I tried to take my life. And all I could think about all of today was what a tragedy it would be to have missed all the joys of today. I spent today with people I love, doing things I love. I am here currently. I had to step outside to make this slightly intoxicated feeling a joy that I never thought I would feel, something that was just so far away. We made it. Like we really did it. And so to you who is struggling, cause I know so many of my goddamn followers are, y’all are unwell. I say hold fast. I say hold on. I love you dearly. The end is near. Not that type of end, but there will come a day where a joy enters your life the likes of which you do not recognize and nor understand, and you don’t have to, but it will be there and it will so supersede all the pain that you have experienced and overwhelm you so greatly that you will have no words. So hold on for that moment cause it’s coming and I will be there. I will be there with you for that. So I’ll see you on the other side. I love y’all. Happy birthday to me, God damn.