Tasting and Ranking Truly Red, White and True Limited Edition Flavors: A Flavorful Journey

Okay, I picked up this limited edition Truly Red, White and true. They have 10 cherry pop, 10 blue raspberry, 5 lemon ice and 5 cotton candy. I’m kind of bummed about this cuz this is why I bought it is for the 5 cotton candy. There’s only five, but Jesse and I are gonna taste all of these. This is the first one we’re gonna try, cherry pop. We’ll report back after each train. We’re just gonna share.

There’s 30 of them we’re gonna drink.

Oh, yours has a bug in it. You mean you’re sorry. Smells good.

Do you explain what this was? Yeah, red, right? And true. Cheers.

Just like black cherry and white cloth. Yep.

Nice and light bug at a nice well, flavor of mine.

Alright, that’s good. Yeah, no problem. We’ll report back to the next flavor. All right, next up is Blue Raz drink No. 2. We’re still doing good.

This is employed one before it does. Cheers. Cool. That’s good. Yep, that’s my favorite so far. I know I do. So I see much, but it’s good.

Tastes really like blue raspberry. We’ll come back from No. 3. Alright, next up is lemon. Nice. I’m kind of excited about this. I hope it has.

Yeah, I see. I’m more excited about this fruit. No.

Me too. Fluff and delicious. Man.

Boy is fluffy.

What’s a buffer for you is those are all gonna be mine.

At a time. Lemons. You know, I mean, it’s, yes, it’s just Cody, it’s like.

They have a lemon white cloth. It’s just an.

Alright, would say raise your what? Why wouldn’t you wanna add that.

To yourself? Oh, I like that. That’s really good. I really like that. That’s bad.

That’s just close to just a bit of actress. Besides, you’re right to party.

I really like that.

Yeah, that’s really, that’s fresh. It’s not a typical lemon drink that you have, you know, that’s good.

Alright, last but not least, and this one I’m most excited about.


And delicious cotton candy. This better be good.

I feel it’s gonna be really good. Or horrible. Yeah, not even like.

Oh, new yoga. It smells good.

You look the same. Is that. They do. That’s it. Actually, lemon did look that way. Oh, that smells really good. Very good. Can you take those, put them in ice cube tray, freeze them?

Could they? Phrase? Maybe not.

Good. It’s just too big. Yeah, really good. I like it. It’s a light cotton game. It’s not a heavy cotton game.

It’s interesting. It has a cotton candy aftertaste.

Yeah, that is my perfect cotton candy because it’s not heavy, it’s not thick, it’s not sugary, it’s light. But slaps.

I like sugary. Okay.

You’re punching bag.

For me. It has a slight aftertaste of cough syrup. You.

Thought about that for it? No.

I really wanted to love this. I like it. I think it’ll be better. No, cold. Ice cold. No.

That’s fluff and delicious. That’s better.

Was really hoping to like love it. An aftertaste.

No, that’s really good.

Alright, can we wait? We have to write this. Can you? Oh, can I hear something?

Really? Oh, I see.

So far. That’s yours. Okay. I think mine would be. Thank you.

Yeah, fluffy lesson No. 1.

Well, I know I didn’t. Okay, here, here’s why.

You ran with a lemon. Okay.

Here’s why. Fluff and delicious is my No. 1, but I didn’t have the best review of it, is I had expectations that were too high. I always do. I always set my expectations too high. I was expecting this to be different than it is, but it’s still really good.

You know what? I would tell you what your tap, this is what from what your expressions.

You might be right that that okay, you might be right.

Cuz you were all about this moment.

That would be weird to say lemon would be my favorite out of all of these fun flavors, could I choose lemon out of all?

It did. Slap always has pretty.

It was good. All right. Thanks for watching. Cheers.