Suitcase Strategies: Packing, Unpacking, and Adulting Like a Pro

So do you prefer having a suitcase ready to go in advance of your vacation? like do you or do you need to get ready at the last night? like do you need the pressure also I think the bigger issue is what do you do when you come home? like how long does that suitcase sit on your floor? oh well typically in regular life it’s like at least a week it sits on the floor when I get home but I like I was just saying to you guys in the commercial break this last vacation we took as a family which was a 10 day long vacation to Northern Ontario I did laundry on vacation while we were there and packed all the clean clothes back into the suitcase so that when I came home I just carried the suitcase upstairs and unpacked it back into the drawers and I felt so proud of myself and so grown up did you put that bag away? after or did it sit there for seven days? I like walked it I did the full job this is the big the line we use in our house don’t do a half job do a full job oh I like that I did the full job I like got home unpacked put the suitcase back in the garage and took it up to the storage area and was like I’m a grown up