Everyday Mercy: Finding Hope in God’s Kindness and Grace

This vine grows along this fence here at our house. These are morning glories. And every single morning they bloom. Brand new blooms and they’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning they’ll be here again. Brand new, fresh blooms. And it. It encourages me because lamentation says that god never runs out of mercy. And that every day his mercy is new, just like these blooms. It’s like god puts this vine out there for us to say, here is my mercy everyday. It’s up to you to choose it. But here’s the beautiful part about it is that mercy is just an extension of the kindness of god. So I don’t deserve mercy? You don’t either. You make mistakes, I make mistakes. And we’re in desperate need of mercy. We don’t deserve it. But god offers it to us because of his kindness. But Romans 2 says that the kindness of god leads us to repentance. You see, god doesn’t offer us this brand new mercy everyday so that we’ll just keep doing the same thing. He offers it to us not that we deserve it. He offers it to us because he loves us. And his kindness says, here’s you another shot. Get up and let’s do this again. But let’s do it based on what my word says and based on what God’s Spirit is leading us to do. And that we get a brand new start today. So I hope that you enjoy the brand new blooms that Are on the vine that god has provided for you today. Love you.