The Significance of the D Note in ‘Out There’ from Hunchback of Notre Dame

I must take a moment to talk about one note in the song “out there” from Hunchback of Notre Dame just one note and that note is this it’s a d and it’s the note that happens on the word “out” of the chorus out there why is that so important? well we are in the key of C major up until this point for the most part okay and what is so important about the note d? it’s the second scale degree so C is home it’s tonic it’s do, do d is one note above that and that is the note that happens on the word “out” there one note above the tonic it’s a little bit of a reach from where your body sort of expects that to go so listen here’s what kind of even though you know the song by now I want you to listen to what the body sort of expects to hear if you didn’t already know the song 🎶not above then but part of them and out there🎶 that’s what we kind of expect to hear that that release to the tonic 🎶and out there living in the sun give me one day out there🎶 which would have been totally fine it’s good it’s fine but by going that one extra step going to that second scale degree going to that d above the tonic it just gives it the sense of a beautiful tension and at the same time this beautiful release 🎶not above them but part of them and out there living in sun give me one day out there🎶 so incredibly satisfying that is why that one note is so crucial to the success of this song That’s The M Tea ☕️