Embracing Life: Inspiring Quotes from Beloved Books

What is a book quote that you love? It’s so cliche and it’s probably the one a lot of people think of, but it’s that one from Little Women. I don’t know, off my heart. Hang on. It’s the one that Joe says, um, and she goes, women, they have minds and they have souls as well as just hearts and they’ve got ambition and they’ve got talent as well as just beauty. And it’s just like, I’ve always loved it cause it’s just this quote that women are not these one dimensional characters and there is so many things going on and it’s just. Yeah, I just love it. It’s from Everything I Know About Love Bang book, but it’s also quite a popular TikTok sound. Nearly everything I know about love I’ve Learned in my long term friendships with women. Okay, so it’s from on the Mountain’s Echoed, which is by Kelly Osbourne, which is one of my all time favourites. And it is, I should have been more kind. That is something a person will never regret. You will never say to yourself when you’re old, uh, I wish I was not good to that person. You will never think that, which I think is really true and it’s really sweet. So yamartel, the author of life of time, said, you must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it. And that is so true. Whatever will be, will be just Make lemonade out of your lemons. So mine is actually a short poem from the book Serenity. It basically says do not classify yourself as a failure when your future is delayed by circumstances that are not in your hands.