Fast and Furious: The Deal for a TRX Truck

Hey, Holmes, I’m on the phone, bro. So these are the. Bro, I’m talking to you, bro. You’re a big guy. I’m so sorry that. Sir, how can I help you? Yeah, man, I’m looking for a truck. Okay, what kind of. What kind of. What kind of truck? Huh? A TRX, man. Some fast. Somebody’s gonna get. Get me across the border. For what? Don’t worry about it. Don’t ask no questions. Oh, oh, oh. Okay, okay, let’s. Let’s. Alright, dad. Sir, we got a bunch of these trucks right here. Got a whole lineup of these things. What you think? What you think? This black one. This black one’s pretty sick, man. It’s nice, huh? Yeah, man, how fast these go? 0 60 in like 3.7 seconds. 702 horsepower. They’re quick trucks, you know? Damn, bro. Can carry packs. Carry, huh? Carry what? Packs, bro. Packs. Yeah. Oh, I don’t think I should answer that question. I mean, just. It’s just a question, bro. Just answer the question. I said I don’t think I can answer that question. Ah, okay, okay. Yeah. You financing paying cash, papa. Cash, baby. Alright, come on inside. Alright, El Chapo. So don’t do that, fool. I’m sorry. Don’t hurt me. 1 0 8 9 9 5+ taxes and fees plus. I ain’t see nothing. Fee? You ain’t see none? I ain’t see nothing, Bubba. Don’t worry.