The Quest for the Perfect High Street White T-Shirt: A Review of Whistles, Jigsaw, and Cos

I am on a mission to find the perfect high street white T-shirt today we’re going slightly higher end so far we’ve done Uniqlo and other stories and Arket so today we’ve got whistles jigsaw and Cos I have to start with Cos cause I’ve had it for about three years now this is that clean cut T-shirt that’s 100% cotton it’s currently £30 on the website which I think is how much I paid for in 2021 it’s wearing really well so I didn’t wanna just buy a new one for the sale take of it unlike some of the other ones I’ve tried so far it’s not particularly see through it’s also really comfortable on the arms and not too tight and even though there’s a little bit of room to breathe it’s not too boxy a cut but you can see that the colour is faded quite a lot given it’s three years in service this is definitely the one to beat next we have Jigsaw’s heavyweight T-shirt this was £40 and also 100% cotton just judging by the fit I really don’t like it says it’s heavyweight but it feels thinner than the cost and while tucking it in is an improvement I still think it’s a little bit more see through than the last one and the arms feel tighter too it say this is on par with the arch at the end of the stories which isn’t great cause this is like 10 or 12 pounds more expensive love jigsaw but think there’s room for improvement with this one then finally we’ve got the ultimate T-shirt from Whistles Can’t lie I didn’t think this mild texture was gonna be so exaggerated they don’t seem to have a normal crew neck like the others in stock right now not that I would ever wear it untouched but I like that it’s quite straight up and down but it is failing the see through test again again I liked it better tucked in and I think the sleeves are quite flattering on this one I just think they might have got a little bit carried away with the mall effect cause I do think it looks quite see through next to the colour so far I think this is fine but probably not worth it so what do you guys think? what was your favourite here? and what brands would you like me to try next? let’s talk 🩷🩷