Championing Kamala Harris: A Story of Leadership and Progress in Pennsylvania

I was with the vice president and the president, uh, yesterday in Pittsburgh. It was great enthusiasm for them on Labor Day. We’re at an I B W. Hall. And, look, I think the best thing I can do is speak honestly to the good people of Pennsylvania about the Kamala Harris that I know. Someone I’ve known 20 years, uh, someone who has the right heart, the right disposition, the right views to help lead Pennsylvania and this nation forward. And so I think the best thing I can do here in Pennsylvania and across the country is just tell the story of the Kamala Harris I know and how those policies are gonna positively impact our community. We’ve been able to accomplish a lot when it comes to infrastructure, when it comes to public safety, educating our kids. And oftentimes, through that process, we’ve had partners at the federal government who’ve invested in Pennsylvania who have helped us do this work. And I know Kamala Harris wants to continue to being a great partner for us when she’s president of the United States.