Sizzling Lobster and Sausage Delight on the Rodo Q360: A Flavorful Journey

Hi, Chao. About to make some lobster and sausage babes on our Rodo Q360. Baby. Let’s go ahead and hit your lobster. Tell you that lemon pepper season and now Anna paprika, baby. Now go up on it with your lobster. Yaw and your sausage baby going on and load up that 360, baby. All right, Joe, we got it loaded up, baby. Go ahead on. Just pull a little trigger now we’re gonna do something else. Why? This is cooking up for us, baby. Alright, Tom, just coming to check on and it went about 18,20 minutes all. I went inside, freshened up, came back. I did go ahead and melt some butter, y’all, and I put some garlic in it, y’all. We’ve been based in it the whole time. Now. Check it out, babe.