Behind the Scenes Drama: Ice Spice’s Mismanaged Opportunity and the Fallout

Ice Spice’s manager has been tweeting about the situation on his Twitter. He said, this is what happens when an artist’s team don’t manage their artist’s expectations when an opportunity comes in front of them. If you do, if you’re not prepared for an opportunity and your team isn’t properly advancing, then that’s on them, not on us offering the opportunity. You have to invest in yourself, aka pay expenses if need be for the opportunity. It’s corny. Someone gives you an opportunity and this is the thanks the person gets? Openers don’t have same things headliners have. And this just shows how Ice Spice has yes men around her, and they just validate whatever she’s saying. The entitlement and ego are crazy. And artist and their team needs to know what to do when these opportunities come their way. They need to know how to leverage it to advance their career. But some artists just don’t know how to come out with hits, so they crash out and go on rants, which, honestly, this kind of sounds like ice spice wrote this shit. And then the thing is, like, ice spice literally said, you’re with me, you don’t have to worry about anything. That’s what caused so much confusion on why she’s being treated so differently. And then they’re also friends, so it’s like most people’s friends. They’re gonna make sure their friend is good, you know? Especially since Ice Spice got money like, you cannot see here. Act Like, you don’t have any money to fucking help your friend out. Cause if you wasn’t gonna help her, then you should have just told Cleo, like, girl, I’m not paying for anything. Like, we just want you to come and that’s it, girl. Like, you’re not gonna have nobody helping you with anything. You’re not gonna have no room. Like, you gotta pay for everything yourself. So somebody said, A former CAA touring agent here, James and his team are 1,000% in the right. As an artist, it is understood you pay your own expenses unless you are contractually of offered to have them paid for. I’ve never heard of a headliner covering all of an opener’s expenses. That’s crazy. James responds and said, if another bigger artist hit my client and say, come on tour with her or him with one day to prepare, as the manager, I would advise my client, this is risky. I would then connect with the other artist’s management agent immediately to advance logistics to see if it makes sense to avoid hiccups. Then he replied to a tweet where somebody said, this is so insane to me because the girl literally asked what was needed from her and was told nothing. She would have been more than ready to have her team and pay expenses, but ice literally told her that she’d be paid for. And then in multiple times she asked if she should pay or. And then James says, Two artists can’t speak on logistics and business and agree on the same day without proper representation. Early talking through management needed to properly advise their client and get ahead of any potential hiccups. I’m not allowing my client go out on the road without me advancing it. So you’re still not holding Ice Spice accountable? Because they’re literally pointing out how Ice Spice told her to come on this tour and said everything was good, like, don’t worry about nothing, and in reality, she should have been worried about everything. He replied to the street where somebody said, wait, but y’all gave one day to prepare. He says, we gave her opportunity to showcase her talent to all age crowds. She could have said something in the lines of, hey, this is last minute invite and I won’t come out the next day show, but I start on this tour later so our teams can handle logistics and I can be prepared for it. Then Capella Gray ended up posting a tweet saying, I got invited to tour and paid for the bus, my own hotel for me and the gang, all the food, all that. The opportunity was in being able to be on tour and showcase my music as an upcoming artist. I couldn’t fill those type of venues. Grateful all the industry people quiet right now. Then James said, my team spoke to the artist’s manager this morning, and the artist’s manager said he blamed himself. Because he pushed his client to stay because it was a great opportunity. But he knows his client is 100% wrong. The manager realized his client didn’t have the financial backing to be on the tour. And Ice Spice is over here retweeting this tweet. Normalize moving on without making it a public matter. Then she posts her new dates, a video of her twerking, and a little soft launch of her and riot. Then she retweeted somebody’s tweet where they said I hate people’s long ass story times. Get to the fucking point, bitch. And now she just posted on my flight board. So let’s play would you rather be a mean bad bitch or be a stupid bum bitch?