X Games Adventures: From Brushing Shoulders with Legends to Dodging Paparazzi

So, uh, I’m at X Games and I’m having a blast. Day 1, day 2. Incredible. I linked up with Half Cab King, uh, and Snowboard Jesus, and that’ll come back later. Um, and we’re having a blast. And I took so many pictures. Like, I usually don’t feel famous. Uh, I don’t really think I am famous. And then at X Games, I took hundreds of pictures with people who are like, oh my god, it’s starting to be plays. What? Uh, which is crazy. It’s always crazy cause you get comments like that, and then just seeing people in real life, it was an absolute blast. Uh, one time I had to go to the bathroom and I was like, I, I didn’t want to get stopped to take pictures, so I literally had to put my hood up like I was Leonardo DiCaprio. It was crazy. And I’ve never been that famous. I don’t know if I ever will be that famous again. That may have been the peak of, of, of my hype. And that’s fine. I got to experience it and it was a blast. So it seemed like I was there bringing a ton of joy to people. But there was one person who I brought zero joy to. Todd Richards. And some of you may know Todd Richards. People consider him the Michael Jordan of snowboarding. Uh, he took, he’s one of the guys that took snowboarding from just a downhill race to Like, he. He brought in the. The skateboarding aspects, like the half pipe and the skateboarding tricks. He brought that into snowboarding. He changed snowboarding forever. Absolute legend of the sport. Um, like I said, Michael Jordan of. Of snowboarding. And to me, he’s the Michael Jordan of hurting my feelings. Uh, this