Federal Judge Rules Trump Campaign Cannot Use Isaac Hayes’s Music Without Licensing from Estate

we have some breaking news y’all so today about 30 minutes ago so that would mean 12:30 Eastern time a judge has ruled on Isaac Hayes Estate in the Trump campaign here is a quick snippet of the news article that just released so the federal judge has ruled that the Trump campaign has to put a hold on using any of Isaac Hayes’s material and this includes the song that hold on I’m coming the judge did deny the motion for the estate of Isaac Hayes to take down any material that had previously been used and so that will stay up but the Trump campaign does have to get an original licensing from Isaac Hayes Estate to be able to use any of his music the haze state has said that they are glad that the judge ruled that he can no longer use this music and that they want this to serve as an opportunity for other artists to come forward and don’t if they don’t want their music used by Donald Trump and other political entities so this is just a reminder for everyone that linked to the previous the comment to the previous video is everyone who has issued Trump a cease and desist for using their music comment what you think and I will let you know if anything else is updated y’all have a good day