Indulging in Culinary Delights: Muffin Madness with Scott and Stephanie

It’s a culinary orgasm. Hey, everyone, I’m Scott Mix dad. Nicholas, Mickey’s mom, Stephanie, and I am getting ready to take a bite out of this delicious muffin. This is heaven right here for me. Oh, my goodness. Oh, this is. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I don’t even care how many calories are in it. This is worth it. Finger licking. Good. Out of 10 to 20. Merci. Hey, everyone, I’m Scott mixed dad. I’m a chocoholic. This is a chocolate muffin cupcake. Oh, gosh. Oh, no. Yeah. I can swim in this. 10 out of 10. Wow. I’m gonna say something, but not on camera. It’s a culinary orgasm. What did you say? Delicious. Oh, yeah. Definitely.