Analyzing Trump’s Strategic Move: Bringing Anuel and J Quiles to Pennsylvania to Target Puerto Rican Voters

Puerto Ricans in the island can’t vote in the presidential this November so why did Trump bring Anuel and J Quiles to Pennsylvania Last week it was a move to target the larger Puerto Rican diaspora in the States A Puerto Rican who moves from the island to the states can register to vote and then vote that election historically Puerto Ricans have sided with a Democratic Party States Republican Party has made some strides with Puerto Ricans in Florida now Trump didn’t just bring Anuel and J Quiles to any state he brought them to Pennsylvania Which has the third largest Puerto Rican population with nearly half a million Puerto Ricans Pennsylvania is a battleground state can go red or blue and is one of the most important states of the year the party that does not win Pennsylvania would need to win multiple other states to make up for losing Pennsylvania Biden won Pennsylvania in 2020 but only won it by 80,000 votes Both parties have invested more than 70 million in Pennsylvania so those half a million Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania could literally swing the vote one way or the other for the state Very interesting and even if you don’t like Anuel just know that he has a big following let me know your thoughts and if you have any other questions in the comments