People aren’t listening to this fool say you shouldn’t vote because they’re disenfranchised or disillusioned or so upset because they don’t have privilege. They’re listening to him because they look like him and they want to use their white privilege to screw minority. He is speaking from a privileged position. I have organized for many different election, helped drive people to poll, worked for a local issue, put up sign. I’m very proud. Was one of many people happily spread the word about issue in Ohio to basically push back against our nutcase state Senate about the women’s right to choose. And it was an amazing feat, which included a lot of people who felt like they were disenfranchised, actually. People who are poor, actually, people whose family has a history of disenfranchisement. And those people still voted. Those people still made the effort. He is a privileged jackass who’s pretending to be relevant.