Spoilers for Terminator 0, so if you’ve not seen it, get the heck out of here in 3. 2. 1. So the first revelation that is revealed in the final episode of Terminator 0 is that Aiko is actually Malcolm’s mother. And he reveals this while he’s, well, lay there on the ground with a massive nail through his chest, dying. But Eco, at this point in her life, has not had a child yet. So they both traveled through time to before Judgement Day, and they are related, but she’s not had a child yet. Which blew my mind just to think about. A Cole traveled from 2022 into the past in 1997, whereas Malcolm travelled to 1985, I believe it was, but obviously from much later in the future. Now, the next revelation in the final episode is that Malcolm’s son Kenta is told by the Terminator that he broke his a deal between sky nets and humans in order for there to be peace. And then Kensa is given the choice to either not use the EMP and have things go down the road that they’re already on, or using the EMP to ensure that Kokoro is destroyed and the deal between Skynet and humanity can go ahead. The only problem is we don’t know really if that’s a lie or not. Ultimately, Kenta decides not to use the EMP, but that just means that the ending that we get, we can’t quite tell as to whether It’s a good ending or a bad ending. Cause we don’t actually know what’s going to happen in the new future that has been established for this timeline. Even though Kokoro reassures the characters that she is going to protect the people of Japan from Skynet.