5 Proven Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

Top 5 ways to have more energy. No.5, drink coffee, but don’t overdo it. Okay? Too much caffeine leads to feeling fatigue later on. No. 4, hydrate. Most of fatigue comes from dehydration, and most people ain’t drinking their water. No. 3, go to the gym, exercise. Do something that moves your body. You’re gonna feel a lot better than sitting around feeling static. No. 2, take a creatine supplement. Alright, now this is gonna motivate you to go to the gym. It’s gonna give you a bunch of natural energy. It’s better than those phony pre workouts. It don’t get also a drink mix, get a gummy or something like this where you can actually just consume it quickly and not have to close your nose and swallow a bunch of nasty powder. I’ve linked this in the TikTok shop. It’s a fantastic product and you get your creatine in throughout the day.

If you like this list and want more, follow me, leave me a comment with your thoughts on how to have more energy. Follow my fiance, Samantha. And finally, No. 1, go to bed.