There’s a ongoing, very important judicial ruling that we ask all the justices who come on the show, and I’m wondering if you’ll weigh in on this one. I don’t think it’s cases for the court right now, so you might be able to express yourself. Um, is a hot dog a sandwich? Well, it’s my understanding that other justices have come on, and they have opined, yes, so did my order. Yes, so did my order. Has said, yes, it is a sandwich. Yes, they and Justice Ginsburg has said, it is a sandwich. And I believe in precedent, so I’m going with that. Stardis says it’s a sandwich. Exactly. It’s a settled law. And you’re not gonna change your mind later when a new case comes up from the Oscar Meyer Corporation? I’m not changing. By the way, do you know what Justice Breyer said? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Oh, that’s infuriating. A little complicated. Infuriating.