Analyzing Technique and Execution in Field Hockey: A Breakdown of Hitting the Ball Effectively

Go on, Otto. Yeah, cause. Yeah, I think it’s a pretty good one. Isn’t it hard to execute, Luke? You say? Say what? I was gonna say, like it’s less accurate. Yeah. Nice. So hitting wise, and because we all use bendy sticks these days, your technique has to be pretty good. Alright. And you’ve got to think about how your hands come through and where you. Where you’re connecting with the ball. So I think maybe we’ll try and hit some and you can watch our technique and we’ll just try and break it down, cause there’s a fair few things to think about. So I’m gonna start it here. I’m gonna push it out to the front foot and I’m gonna look to hit around the ball. That’s my preference. 10 flat ones you want. Ollie, you’ve got the bendiest stick. Is it me? Yeah. Guys, look at when Matt’s hitting the ball. Look at his grip. Look where he holds his stick. I think everyone wants to hit with their hands at the end. Whereas to get the control on a pass, you might want to think about. I’m gonna look to hit around the board. I just think speed of execution, control more accurate. Okay. And I think I’d probably sacrifice a little bit of power by moving my hands down for the control and the speed. That would probably just maybe the way I describe it. Personally prefer hitting a moving the ball. Towards my target. Bang!