Check Fraud Fails: The Hilarious Misconceptions of Scamming Chase Bank

Honestly, this shit just keeps getting funnier and funnier to me. So I just watched a video of a woman who works in customer service for Chase Bank. And she was saying that all day long she has been getting call after call after call of people who deposited a check the other day and there was money in their account, and now today their account is negative. And where’s my money? And I want my money back. And she’s like, no, no, no, that’s not how that works. Because it was not actually a glitch. You committed check fraud. You wrote a check for say, $30,000 off of an account that did not have $30,000 in it to cover that check, when it did not clear, your account went into the negative. And they’re like, okay, well, I had money in my account to begin with. For example, $5,000. I want my $5,000 back. I need to pay my bills, I need to pay my rent, my car insurance, I need to go grocery shopping, so on and so forth. Now my account is negative $25,000. I want my original $5,000 back. And she’s like, no, no, no, that’s not how that works either. Because we took that 5 thousand dollars trying to recoup some of that money off of that 30 thousand dollar check that you wrote that you could not cover. Now your account is negative 25 thousand dollars and you’re not getting your 5,000 dollars back. And these people are so fucking surprised that all of this is happening to them. I mean, not to mention all of the charges that are gonna come against them. She said that they are actually compiling a list of all of the people who deposited those checks, trying to take advantage of that glitch. That was not actually a glitch. And they’re going to be handing that list over to the authorities, and they’re going to start issuing arrest warrants. So I hope that you guys start packing and running, because they are going to, JP Morgan, chase your ass down and throw you in prison.