Hot Dog Quest: In Search of the Perfect Bite

We can’t drink. That’s fine. We can’t take everything. Where was my hot dog with the onions and the chili and the relish? Yes, it was a beautiful experience. Except for the food. Like, if you wanna make me happy, that you gotta feed me. Yes. And so you need the hot dog. I kept sending my. I kept, I want it. You’re in this game. I want a hot dog. So I kept. Every time, I will go to a different event. You know, it’s different places you go to. I was like, for sure, this time they’re gonna have a hot dog with some onions and some chili. Every time she would be like, all they have is the hot dog in the bag? You know the. The one you go to 7 11 and it’s in the bag? No, pop it in the microwave. And it’s not even a real microwave. It has one. 5 10. You know what I mean? No. When we bring the Olympics to LA, we’re having hot dogs. We’ll make sure. Get that. Get on that right now with NBC. Um, call a few friends over a crib on hot dog. Chili, chili, onion, sweet relish, mustard. I have to protect the taste. Yeah, yeah, they have. They have to take those. Roger P. Henson, Fight Night. The million Dollar Heist premieres this Thursday on Peacock. We’ll be right back with Katie Ledecky. Stick around, everybody. Cheers. I love you guys.