The Swaggy Origin Story: From Steve Harvey Suits to Versace Playoffs and Swaggy P’s Mysteries

David Stern used to make your niggas dress like Steve Harvey. So I’m saying, do you feel like you the first swaggiest NBA player when they kick back off to wearing regular clothes again? Yeah, man, I feel like I set the tone for that, you know, with the Versace in the playoffs. That was like the start of Swaggy, you know? Where the. Where did Swaggy P. Come from, Nick? Where did P come from? Where did P come from? I don’t know. That shit just came to my head one day. Oh, you named yourself? Yes. I fuck with that, though. I fuck with that. You named yourself. Why you think P, though? Um. I can’t give you all. Oh, okay. Respect. I got a book coming out. Oh, respect. The mystery of the people. That’s the name of. That’s crazy. I sound like. Never mind. Shut up.