The Perfect Movie Formula: Mixing and Matching Fan Suggestions for the Ultimate Film Experience

today we’re making the perfect movie I’ve made six different wheels for the six different movie categories characters dialogue plot marketing cinematography and soundtracks each wheel is full of fan suggestions and we’re gonna mix and match them and let fate decide the perfect movie if you wanna help make the next perfect movie make sure you follow and comment some suggestions for each of the categories down below let’s do this for dialogue we got the giver for cinematography we got Barbie for characters we got Avengers Endgame for plot we got interstellar for marketing we got cats and for soundtrack we got Tron Legacy okay to recap here’s our perfect movie it’s got the dialogue from the giver which I don’t know if you’ve seen this movie but it’s absolute trash so I don’t know who suggested this but you gotta be joking me it’s got the cinematography from Barbie actually good choice one of the biggest movies of all time I guess it just means everything’s gonna be pink though it’s got the characters from Avengers Endgame look at this stacked cast another great choice it’s got the stellar plot of interstellar see what I did there it’s got the marketing from cats which I don’t know if you remember when this movie came out but their marketing was basically just saying all the negative reviews were wrong so that’s interesting and it’s got the soundtrack from Tron Legacy so you know we got some Daft Punk music up in here seems like a good movie to me